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Group chat

Ashton: don't hate me Calum

Calum: wot did u do?

Luke: ooohhh ash is in trouble

Mikey: this feels like it's gonna be good

Ashton: I don't know how to word this either so I'm just gonna come out with it

Calum: wot?

Ashton: I took that girls number from your phone and I text her

Ashton: Ellie

Mikey: Ellie?
Mikey: what have I missed?

Calum: why did u do this on the group chat?
Calum: nd why the hell did u do that?

Luke: keep up mikey Ellie was the girl Calum text instead of Ashton ages ago

Calum: answer me Ashton

Ashton: alright
Ashton: we all decided it was needed because you were moping around
Ashton: I wanted to fix it

Calum: have u?

Ashton: not yet but I'm working on it
Ashton: I think she's been scared by someone

Mikey: scared?

Luke: like threatened?

Ashton: I think so. I'm going to keep digging but she's not letting up just yet.

Luke: let me know if you need any help

Mikey: cal are you alright?

Calum: I need some time

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