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1 week later

Calum: ok I no u dnt want 2 talk 2 me either bt I need ur help

Ash: you think I'll help you? After what you've done? You basically isolated me, took away my friend, made me look like a dick to our friends and forced my hand

Calum: I'm sorry. I was jealous nd scared I'd lose her 2 u

Ash: no don't turn this round like you're the victim now

Calum: I deserve all this bt I need help with Ellie

Ash: ...
Ash: and I can help how? You won't allow me to speak with her and I haven't for like a month

Calum: I'm scared 4 her
Calum: she hasn't had time 2 speak 2 me 4 3 weeks
Calum: she's been working every day 4 money 4 her rent nd is refusing help

Ash: well it sounds like she's trying to handle her situation by herself which is commendable

Calum: bt she's working 12hr shifts every single day

Ash: yeah okay that's not good, she'll wear herself out

Calum: pls speak 2 her nd talk sense in2 her I'm worried

Ash: wow so when it suits you I can speak to her? When it's helping you out?

Calum: fucks sake r u worried or not?

Ash: well yeah

Calum: then speak 2 her

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