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Group chat

Me: Katie seems to have gone crazy
Me: *sends screenshot*
Me: now she's threatening to ruin all of us

Mikey: If she even tries to mess with Crys I'm gonna be sending her on a one way trip to the sun

Luke: I'll join you Mike, I'm not having her insulting or upsetting Sierra again

Calum: wot does she mean tho?
Calum: wot could she no that would mean she could come 4 us all?

Luke: *looks at Ashton*

Sierra: Luke!

Crystal: Ash please tell me you didn't divulge our secrets to that bitch?

Ashton: I... I can't remember what I told her

Me: look, it may not be him. She could use Google or Twitter to find out half your lives.
Me: but she will be clinging onto any information that would help her case
Me: she's already threatening to somehow take all the money I'll get from selling my flat 😔

Calum: she makes me want to punch a wall

Me: told you

Calum: cnt believe she has the front 2 treat u like this! I'll b having words if she's not careful

Luke: legals have said we need to keep this clean. We can't be insulting or threatening her or she has ammo

Mikey: this fucking sucks

Me: I'm so sorry everyone I really thought she was gone

Crystal: babe it isn't your fault!

Sierra: yeah, she's just a nasty piece of work!

Calum: baby I told u not 2 blame urself

Ashton: I can't believe I ever thought she was a good person

Luke: it's fine, we just need to go on like she doesn't exist and we'll be winning

Me: with her that's easier said than done
Me: she probably saved everyone's numbers from the group chat
Me: she'll message us all
Me: I'm dreading this

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