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Kai: thanks for visiting me today els
Kai: I really needed that
Kai: I've missed seeing your face and hearing you laugh
Kai: you look really well

Me: thanks I guess
Me: this just stirred up a whole lotta shit for me
Me: I'm literally leaving tomorrow for good
Me: I thought I didn't have you in my life anymore

Kai: I'll find you somehow
Kai: we will be reunited
Kai: it's always been us against the world

Me: it hasn't felt like that for years

Kai: I know Ellie, and I'm truly sorry about that
Kai: look, I gotta go but I'll come and find you
Kai: I'll get out of here and fly straight to you
Kai: you're the only person who means something to me

Me: I wish that's how you thought before all this shit happened

Kai: I've had time to reflect
Kai: time to look back over everything and work out where I went wrong
Kai: or where I went right
Kai: I've learnt so much, I'm a different person now

Me: I'll be the judge of that

Kai: you didn't think so when you saw me?

Me: yeah I thought you'd changed but who knows...
Me: you were always a good actor

Kai: I'll prove it to you
Kai: see you later Boo

Me: see ya Sulley

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