when your on your period

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Adam Banks:

lets you pick what you do 

if you need him to he will go to the store 

When at the store he will have no idea what to get and have to find a phone to call you. 

Charlie Conway:

Lots of movies, snacks and cuddles. 

Quite supportive but half the time he doesn't know what to do when you have cramps. 

Connie Moreau:

She's a girl so she understands 

your cycles will sync. 

Both watching sad movies. 

Dean Portman:

Extra over protective 

Because your emotions are off the walls if anyone says anything even remotely rude he needs to yell at them. 

a bit clingy 

Acts like if the slightest gust of wind hit you you would fall into a million pieces. 


I went a bit extra on the overprotective but i can see all this happening. 

Dwayne Robertson:

he is kind of awkward at first but when he gets over that he is quite supportive

gets you food 

sits with you when you have bad cramps.

Fulton Reed:

You have to explain it to him.

He thinks its gross at first but hes fine if he doesn't see the blood. 

he likes the excuse the stay in bed all day and cuddle. 

Guy Germaine:

VERY awkward 

doesn't know what to do half the time 

constantly asking if you need anything.

Lester Averman:

A bit awkward but understands after awhile.

makes you food 

tries to cheer you up with his sarcasticness and jokes. 

Luis Mendoza:

Brings you on walks. 

You have to keep reminding him because he forgets your on it. 

Russ Tyler:

gives you space

When your sleeping he leaves food in your room



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