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You were sitting in your room on your bed when you heard a knock at your door, you opened it and saw Dwayne with shaving cream all over his face, you couldn't help but slightly laugh. "What happened?" "Luis, Goldberg and kenny." he replied, trying to wipe it off with his hand. "You're just making it worse." you said pushing past him, taking his hand and pulling him into the bathroom.

"Sit on the counter." you said taking a face cloth out of one of the drawers, you wet it and started wiping the shaving cream off his face. "Ok but how did this happen?" "they used a feather when i was sleeping to tickle my nose and put the shaving cream in my hand so when i went to itch my nose shaving cream went all over my face." you burst out laughing and he looked at you and smiled happy one of us could get a laugh out of it, "im sorry its just thats really funny.'' I said as I went back to wiping the shaving cream off his face.

After a while of mostly just sitting in silence You were almost finished, you wiped the last bit off his face. "Done." I said with a smile and slightly stepped back. He didn't say anything, he just looked at me. He jumped down from the counter still with locked eye contact. He stepped forward and you stared back into his eyes.

He lifted his arm and moved a piece of hair out of your face, your heart started pounding, you felt like you couldn't breathe. Dwayne kissed you and when he pulled away he said, "Sorry i-" you cut him off kissing him. He went blank and looked down at you, You smiled "Night" you said heading towards the door. "Good night" he replied, watching you leave.


Should i make a second part? 

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