When they realized they loved you

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Adam Banks:

He knew he loved you when you immediately ran into his arms the first time you were apart for a few weeks when you went on vacation with your family, you missed him and it made him realize he loved you. 

Charlie Conway:

Charlie and you had been dating for a few months when you were at a game, you scored the winning goal and started jumping up and down with joy, He saw you and immediately knew he loved you. 

Connie Moreau:

Throw out your in tire relationship you were always more out going then her, always dragging her out to go places not even caring if people jugged you or not. One time you got mad at her grandma for telling her she was sining because she was with a girl, and when I say mad you YELLED at that old lady. Connie immediately knew she loved you. 

Dean Portman:

He walked into your room and saw you playing air guitar and dancing around your room to his favorite song, he walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your neck, as you winned "Bebe I want to dance." and he immediately realized he loved you. 

Dwayne Robertson:

He had brought you back to Texas with him and you both were sitting in a field and he walked over with a box, he sat down beside you and placed the box in front of you. You looked at him with a suspicious look. "Open it." he said looking over to you with a smile, you pulled the box onto your lap. You opened the box and pecked your head into the box, you immediately sprung your head up and looked over to Dwayne with the biggest smile on your face. "They are so cute." you said as you scrunched you face up. He smiled to you and knew he loved you as you took out a little chick and placed it onto your lap and said. "can I name it turkey?" "Sure." he chuckled 

Fulton Reed:

You had been dating for a few months now and he watched as you just walked into his house not even realizing he was there, you walked past him into the kitchen and started shifting through the pantry looking for pop tarts. He just watched you start yelling at the pantry when you couldn't find any, his older brother came into the kitchen. "What are you doing Y/N?" "I'm looking for pop tarts." He paused, looked at me and said." "we hid them." "Why?" you snapped "Because you always eat all our pop tarts." He snapped back, you both stood in the kitchen glaring at each other and you stormed out of the house. Fulton burst out laughing and knew he loved you.

Guy Germaine:

One day Guy and Connie his ex, were in a heated argument. You decided to step in and started arguing with connie telling her that she was out of line and that his love life was non of her business and to back off. He knew that he loved you when you shook her hand and the end of the argument and smiled, and walked away making a sarcastic smile. 

Lester Averman:

You and Averman were working at the movie theater for the summer when Charlie and Jesse skated up, yelling and quacking at us to get our rollerblades on. We both ran to the back and got our rollerblades on, we all skated through the mall and park picking everyone up except connie and guy. we all skated down the hill and stopped in front of the the just about to kiss. when Charlie Quaked and they turned over to us, "I was this close." Guy yelled over and you yelled back, "Come on me and Averman are dating but we don't have each others tongues down each others throats." as you started to skate away with Averman laughing his ass off beside you. 

Luis Mendoza:

In the goodwill games when Luis finally stoped you yelled, "YESS." at the top of your lungs after he shot the puck into the net, everyone started celebrating and Luis skated over to you. You were celebrating by jumping up and down with a little hop he looked to you and knew he loved you. 

Russ Tyler:

You had just won the goodwill games and everyone was at the campsite, Dwayne was playing guitar and everyone was singing, you and Russ were dating and he was sitting beside you, you were exhausted and you rested your head on his shoulder half asleep not even caring that you both had a secret relationship and the team didn't know yet. He looked down at you and saw you staring at the fire like it fascinated you, he adjusted and everyone looked at you both confused but kept singing and having fun. When it was time for everyone to get some rest you had fallen asleep, Russ nudged you so you would woke up. You stood up and started to walk away before turning back and saying "Goodnight." he immediately knew he loved you when you walked away and accidentally ran into a rope and almost fell on your face. 

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