When you fall asleep on them

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Adam Banks:

After the movie ended Adam looked down at you and saw that you had drifted off, "i could get used to this he said as he smiled and pulled the covers over you both.

Charlie Conway:

After the movie ended Charlie looks down to see you fast asleep, "don't panic charlie she's just sleeping on you that means she feels comfortable with you it's cool we're calm." he says to himself as he snuggled up to you and fell asleep.

Connie Moreau:

Connie was braiding your hair and you fell asleep, "Y/N look at my masterpiece." She said smiling and waiting for you to sit up and look in the mirror, when you didnt she looked over to your face and saw that you were fast asleep and snuggled up to you and drifted off.

Dean Portman:

Everyone was watching a movie and you fell asleep. Dean looked down to see you fast asleep with a slight smile. He pulled the blanket over you both so no one could see him kissing you on the forehead.

Dwayne Robertson:

You and Dwayne were watching a movie and you fell asleep, "Missy?...Y/N?" he says looking down at you, "oh" he says moving a piece of hair that was covering your face before falling asleep.

Fulton Reed:

"You better not have fallen asleep" He said looking down at you. "Really" he said in a slightly louder voice. He immediately looked down to make sure he didn't wake you up and when he was sheared you were he sighed in relief.

Guy Germaine:

"You promised you wouldn't fall asleep." he said looking down at you with a pouty face, "why do you have to look so cute when you sleep." he said, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your forehead.

Lester Averman:

"Y/N, Look at this." He says turning the photo he had in his hand, "Y/N?... How are you sleeping? it's like 5 in the afternoon." he says, pushing the pile of photos off his lap and onto the coffee table.

Luis Mendoza:

"Look, look this is my favorite part" Luis said slightly pushing you, when he didn't get a response he looked down at you Snuggled up to his fast sleep, "Really it's a horror movie." he said turning off the tv and pulling the blanket up.

Russ Tyler:

"Bebe, i gotta go to the bathroom can uh you move please?" Russ asked but to his surprise you didn't move, so he looked at you and saw you fast asleep. "Really" he said in a slightly hushed voice. He didn't want to wake you so he just got comfy and fell asleep. 

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