Dwayne Image | Texas Pt 2

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The truck pulled up to the farm, slowing down and turning down the driveway, the truck came to a stop as everyone poured out of the truck and Dwayne's older brothers took both of your bags into the house. Dwayne could see you were nerves and placed him hand on your arm and rubbed it to calm you down, you started to calm down as you heard Dwayne say, "Ready?" "As i'll ever be." you replied with a slight chuckle as he took his hand off your arm taking your hand.

Everyone had already headed inside as you followed Dwayne into the house, right as you walked in he was ambushed with people. You watched as what felt like a dozen people tried to fit in the small coat room, you pushed yourself against the wall trying not to get squished by all the people.

You felt a hand grab yours and pull you past the people out of the room, It was Dwayne you were relieved to get out of that. "My family can be a bit much sometimes." he said with a slight chuckle rubbing the back of his neck. You smiled up at him, "want to introduce me to your parents?" you said with a smile, his eyes lit up and a smile grew on his face, "Sure." He said trying to hide his excitement, as he slightly pulled you into the kitchen where everyone had gone back to sitting at their spots.

We walked up to a shorter woman with long brown hair who was cooking at the stove, "Mom?" Dwayne said as he looked over to the woman, she turned around and wrapped her arms around him. He let go of your hand and wrapped both of his arms tightly around his mom, you felt a light smile form on your lips as you looked at the two.

After they pulled away from the hug and after Dwayne introduced you to his mom he went to talk, "Wh-" "He's in the barn." she said cutting him off knowing what he was about to ask, he smiled at her and took your hand. We walked outside of the house and towards the barn, you were expecting his dad to be in there but no just horses, you didn't even know why you expected anything else. He always talks about his horses.

We walked to the end of the barn to the last stall, he opened it up and guided the horse out. He placed a saddle and harness on the horse, he then took your hand in one hand and the reins in the other bringing both of us out of the barn.

He hosted you up onto the horse then himself right behind you, he wrapped his arms around you holding the rains in front of you as he showed you all his favorite spots quietly explaining everything in your ear sending butterflies to your stomach, when the sun started to go down you stopped on the road and watched it slowly go down. 

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