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You were staying over at Russ's dorm at Eden Hall, You woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the clock beside the bed. you shifted your head into his chest burring it into his hoodie, "Bebe?" you said trying to see if he was awake. "Hm?" He mumbled half asleep, "Im hungry." You said lifting your head once again so you both were face to face. "yeah and im tired." he replied in a tired still half asleep voice, "Burgers?" you said your head still right in front of his. "No it's 2 in the morning." he said slightly more awake, "Please Russ im starving." "No, I want to sleep." He replied, "Please." you pleaded, "If i say yes when we get back will you let me sleep?" "Maybe." you replied with a smile, "And if i say no will it end up being this for the in tire night until i either give in or it's time to get up for school?" he said sitting up you still on top of him as you nodded. "Fine." He said as he playfully pushed you off of his and got out of the bed. You smiled and ran to the door opening it quickly, "Im already regretting this."

You both snuck out of the dorms and to town, "Are any burger places even open at this time?" Russ questioned as you pulled him down the empty side walk, "Who said we were getting burgers?" You said looking back with a smirk, He rolled his eyes, too tired to fight with you about it. You dragged him into a gas station on to the back of the building, you grabbed a bag of Twinkie's, "Want anything?" "Sleep." he said as you both walked through the store to the counter. After you paid you both walked back to the school him half asleep behind you trying to not fall asleep, you opened the bag of Twinkie's and took both of them out giving one to Russ and shoving the other into your face with a giant smile as Russ took his and slowly ate it with a smile. 

two in the morning Burgers? No Burgers? no burgers no wasn't a question NOOOOOOOO BURGERSSSSSSSSSS, NOOOOOO YESSSSSS UGHHHHH FINE. 😈 already regreting this. 

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