How You Two Met

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Adam Banks:

When Adam joined the ducks (in D2) everyone was being rude to Adam and calling him a cake eater and when everyone left in a huff, you stayed behind and walked over to Adam who sat on a bench with his head in his hands. "They will warm up to you, don't worry, And I'm Y/N." You said with a smile sitting beside him. "You don't hate me, I'm from the over team." "Hockey is Hockey, Bye Adam, i'll see you at the game tomorrow." "Bye" he said as I walked out of the room.

Charlie Conway:

You were walking through the halls on the first day, you bumped into a boy falling over onto your back. The boy reached out his hand and helped you up saying "Sorry, are you ok?" "Yeah" you said "im Charlee, But are you sure your ok you hit the ground pretty hard." "Y/N, and yeah i'm sure, i have to get to my class see you later." "Bye." He said as he watched me walk away.

Connie Moreau:

You were shopping for some shorts, you couldn't find anything that you liked that fit, you wandered around the store and after about 15 minutes you saw a pair of shorts. The tag was flipping outward and you read the tag they were in. You went to take it off the shelf as you saw another hand go to take the shorts. "hey i saw them fi-" you paused as you saw this girl standing in front of you. "I'm sorry you can have them." Connie said, taking them off the shelf and placing them in your hands. "It's ok if you can have them." I said with a little smile, "thank you, I'm Connie." she said as her smile grew as she took a closer look at the shorts. "Y/ have a great sense of style." I said looking over to her, "You too...Um maybe you would want to get something for lunch... if you're not busy." she said, slightly looking down. "Yeah that would be nice." After she paid for the shorts, you went to a restaurant and got some food.


for your first christmas together she gave you the shorts. (:

Dean Portman:

You ran up the stairs yelling for my brother, "FULTON TURN THE MUSIC DOWN" "NOO" He yelled back, "I'M TRYING TO DO MY HOMEWORK YOU IDIOT" "YEAH RIGHT" He snapped back. You stormed into his room slamming the door open, "really Y/N?" he said with an annoyed look. "Mom said you can't have friends over so I'd recommend you turn down the music if you want your friend to stay." "Fine" "Fine" you said as you walked out. Fultons friend walked out saying "Hey Y/N right" "hm? Oh yeah, who are you again?'' You still said kind of annoyed "Dean, Dean Portman" "Oh You're that guy i thought you decided not to come to the school?" "Yeah Changed my mind" "Noice" you said with a smile.

Dwayne Robertson:

You got a scholarship to Eden Hall, after getting off your plane you went to the bus where you were told to meet everyone, no one but the bus driver was there so you got on and went to the back of the bus placing your earbuds in. After about 10 minutes people started to show up, sitting down. After a while I felt a heavy step onto the bus . You looked up taking your earbuds out looking at the tall cowboy standing at the front of the bus talking to the bus driver. I put my earbuds back in as I watched him walk over to me. He stood beside me and said "Howdy, may I sit?" "Yeah" you say with a smile, You both talked for an hour on the drive and while you waited for everyone to get on the bus.

Fulton Reed:

You ran into your first class not watching where you were going. You clashed with a boy making him drop his bag, "I'm So sorry." you said as you picked up his bag and handed it to him, "It's alright, Im fulton." He said, taking his bag from his hand, "Y/N, Maybe next time I won't bump into you." you said smiling and walking away.

Guy Germaine:

You were sitting on a bench at a park on a nice summer day with your leg sticking out a bit as a group of teeanagers skated down the path, as they passed on a boy tripped over your leg and face planted. You took your foot to your hand and winced in pain. The group stopped and helped the boy up. He had scrapes all over his arms and legs as two boys helped him onto the bench beside you. You had tears in your eyes from the pain but you tried to hide it, the boy looked over to you and said "You ok i hit you pretty hard." "Yeah.. im fine." You said in a shaky cracky voice, "You don't seem ok." he quietly said thinking you couldn't hear him, he stood up and walked over to you and said "im Guy, do you need help up?" "Y/N, you said as you nodded and he reached out his hand for you to take, you took his hand and when you put weight on your foot you winced in pain. "ok you're not ok i'm taking you home." he said agusing me so I was leaning against him. "First of all, you don't know where I live. second, you are on roller skates and you dont look like you have shoes." you said looking over to him. "Well you can tell me were you live and I'll just go slow." "Ok...let's go then." His friends left and he walked you home. You went slow and almost fell a few times but you made it, you both walked to the stairs and he helped you up. "well um i had a nice time talking with you." you said "Yeah same, um maybe we could hang out sometime?...if you want." He said rubbing the back of his neck, "Yeah that would be nice." you said with a smile limping into your house.

Lester Averman:

You had gotten Yourself detention, you walked through the hallways feeling sorry for yourself when you opened the door and walked into the room detention was held in which a boy with brown glasses caught your eye. You saw a free seat beside him, I walked over "Is this seat taken?" I said standing in between both desks, "Nope go for it" he said looking up from his work. I sat down and started to take my homework out of my bag, "what are you in for?" He said looking over and slightly leaning back in his chair, "Not doing my work and being sarcastic." you said as you rolled your eyes in annoyance remembering earlier that day. "Same here, my gym teacher really needs to learn to take a joke once in a while." he said with a slight chuckle, "Lester Averman, but my friends call me Averman." He said with a smile, "Y/N L/N." I said as the teacher barged into the classroom and started telling everyone the rules of detention.

Luis Mendoza:

You were invited to play in the goodwill games, you skated onto the ice a little after all the other new kids. You skated to the middle of the ice and a kid smashed into you, you both fell to the ground as the other new kids ran over to help you both up. Luis skated over to you and braised himself on the side of the rink, "sorry for running into you..." He said, smiling at you. "It's ok." I said with a slight smile taking my helmet off, "im Luis mendoza" he said with a smile, "Y/N, Y/N L/N." you said. "Hey get over here." the couch yelled, you and Luis skated over to all the people.

Russ Tyler:

You were one of the ducks as one of the new recruits and heard everyone complaining about a kid around our age being rude, and one day he joined the team. I was confused as to why the kid who everyone hated just a few days before, then just joined our team. (you didn't go to the game with the russ and his friends) You could see him looking at you from the other side of the rink, he walked over to you and said "Hi im Russ" with a smile. "Not to be rude but aren't you the kid who was being rude to everyone?" "Yeah" he said as his smile flattened slightly. "Let's start over then, I'm Y/N." 

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