How they would be on a airplane

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Adam Banks:

He would fall fast asleep after not long. 

Charlie Conway:

Dosen't talk much mostly sleeping or looking out the window also quiet. 

Connie Moreau:

She dosen't talk much and reads. 

Dean Portman:

Fast asleep in the first 10 minutes after it takes off. 

Dwayne Robertson:

He would just watch out the window and talk a bit. 

Fulton Reed:

Watches out the window the intire time

Guy Germaine:

Sits on the outside of the row because he always is going to the bathroom. 

Lester Averman:

Talks the intire time even when your trying to sleep. 

Luis Mendoza:

Pukes after take off and landings and is asleep for the rest of the time. 

Russ Tyler:

Excited and talks about the place a lot with you. 

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