morning or night person

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Adam Banks:

Morning, I feel like his dad would always wake him up early so he just because accustomed to it. 

Charlie Conway:

I think he would be the middle ground he would stay up late but not too late and wake up early but not too early. if that makes any seance. 

Connie Moreau:

Morning, I just think she would like getting up early. 

Dean Portman:

Night, he likes sleeping in. 

Dwayne Robertson:

Morning, he grew up on the farm. 

Fulton Reed:

Night, I think he would just have a hard time falling asleep so he would end up staying in bed for as long as he can. 

Guy Germaine:

I don't think he would be either, he would go to bed early and wake up late. 

Lester Averman:

Morning, I feel like he would just be wide awake as soon as he woke up. 

Luis Mendoza:

Night, he likes to stay up late. 

Russ Tyler:

Night, He likes to sleep in. 

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