Dwayne image | Texas

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You got onto the plain walking behind Dwayne a bit nervous but non the less excited to meet his family for a few weeks over the summer,  you followed Dwayne down the plain before he stoped letting you go into the seats first. You slid into the seat placing your little bag of stuff under the seat in front of you, Dwayne slid in the seat beside you and looking over and smiling. You both waited for the plain to take off as the flight attendant talked about what to do in an emergency, soon the plain started moving and started to lift you stated to panic a bit and Dwayne immediately noticed taking his hand and placing it on yours. He slightly squeezed your hand and started talking to you, you started to calm down a bit as he talked to you to distract you. 

Every once in a while there was turbulence and Dwayne would hold your hand even when you were sleeping just incase you woke up. The same thing happened when you landed he held your hand and quietly talked to you. When it landed you immediately rushed off the plain Dwayne following right behind you, after you stoped running through the airport you and Dwayne went and collected your bags from bagage claim and headed to the pick up station. 

You both waited for a bit until a green truck pulled up and the window rolled down a head popping out, "Get in." He said and you looked over to Dwayne and he nodded as you both walked over to the truck. The door swung open and a girl who was around 10 climbed out of the truck giving Dwayne a hug, you both climbed into the truck after putting your bags in the trunk. Everyone was talking all at once you didn't know what to do so you just looked out the window. 


Should i make a part 2? about meeting his parents? 

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