You had a bad dream

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Adam Banks:

He would be a bit panicked but would hold you and rub your back until you calmed down.  

Charlie Conway:

You woke up screaming and Charlie pulled you onto his lap wrapping his arms around him as he rocked you back and forth rubbing your back, until you calmed down. 

Connie Moreau:

Sorry but I think she would sleep right threw it, you would be shaking her like SHAKING her and she wouldn't even budge or nothing. 

Dean Portman:

You woke up in the middle of the night with a slight scream, Dean immediately wrapped his arms around you as the tears started to stream down your face. He rubbed your back and hugged you tight to try to calm you down, when you fell asleep he stayed up to make sure you were ok. 

Dwayne Robertson:

You woke up in the middle of the night and jumped up frightened tears streaming down your face, you grabbed onto him shaking him. He woke up and looked at you before quickly pulling you into a hug, rubbing your back with his hand as he whispered in your ear with his accent until you calmed down and feel back asleep in his arms.  

Fulton Reed:

You were staying over Fulton's house when you woke up in the middle of the night after having a horrible nightmare, you grabbed onto him digging your head into his chest and you cried. He woke up a bit startled but after resizing what was going on he sat up and held you in his arms until you either wanted to talk about it or fell asleep. 

Guy Germaine:

You woke up in the middle of the night and jumped, tears streaming down your face. Guy woke up hearing that you were crying, you hugged onto him and he didn't know what to do at first but then wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your back until you fell asleep. 

Lester Averman:

You woke up in the middle of the night tears streaming down your face, Averman turned over and wrapped his arms around you stroking your back and whispering little jokes in your ear to cheer you up until you feel asleep or wanted to talk about it. 

Luis Mendoza:

You woke up from a bad dream, tears streaming down your face. You felt Luis's hand start rubbing your back, putting pressure on your back not too much it would hurt but enough to calm you down. You both sat for a bit like that before you feel back sleep. 

Russ Tyler:

You woke up crying from a bad dream, Russ grabbed your hand and rubbed the top of your hand. You sat up and he sat up with you, he let go of your hand and pulled you towards him, he brought you on his lap and rubbed your back holding you tight until you feel back asleep. 

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