First Time Sleeping in the Same Bed

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*not sexual* 

Adam Banks:

You could not sleep so you crept down stairs and put your shoes on. You left a note on the fridge for Your parents telling them you weren't kidnapped, you walked out of the house and down the sidewalk. After walking for a while you got to his window, lightly pushing it open and climbing in. You took your shoes off and climbed into his bed, becoming the little spoon. I felt Adams arm shift and pushed a peice of hair out of my face and wrapped it around my waist. "What are you doing here baby?" "I couldn't sleep," you said as he buried his head against mine.

Charlie Conway:

You got a concussion at your last game the day before and have not been able to sleep since. It was the middle of the night and you went to the kitchen and called charlie. "Charlie?" "Y/N? Why are you calling so late? You ok?" "I can't sleep," you said in a tired voice. "ok i'll be there at 10." "Okie." You waited in the living room looking out the window. After a few minutes you saw Charlie walk up to your house and lightly knock on the door to not wake your parents up, you opened the door and he busted in and hugged you. You both walked up to your room and laid down in your bed. You lightly rested your head on his chest and drifted off to sleep as he kissed your forehead.

Connie Moreau:

You woke up in the middle of the night to a knock on my bedroom door, "Come in." you replied in a groggy tired voice. The door opened and your older brother stepped in, "Your girlfriend is here." he said as he rolled his eyes and walked back out. Connie's head slowly peeked out into the doorway, "what are you doing here?" "I can't sleep." She replied as she climbed into the bed and almost immediately fell asleep.

Dean Portman:

The night after the game with varsity with the surprise guest of your long distance boyfriend you could not leave his side so you ended up sleeping in his dorm room with him, you cuddled up to him as you told him about all the pranks and classes he missed and he told you about all his friends at home. Then you both drifted to sleep.

Dwayne Robertson:

Everyone in the dorms was watching a movie and after it was done you all went to bed. You could not sleep because you had too much on your mind because you had a test the next day. You opened the door to Dwayne and Russ's room wrapped in your quilt, you scooched towards his bed and poked his foot. He shifted and looked over to me, "I can't sleep." He pulled the covers up as I scooched over to him and laid down into the bed resting my head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat slowly as I drifted off to sleep.

Fulton Reed:

You fell asleep to a thunderstorm and woke up not even an hour later to Fulton in your bedroom shaking you, jumping into the corner of your bed startled you. Once you realized it was Fulton you calmed down and sighed in relief, "what are you doing here? it's the middle of the night" you said "Thunder...i cant sleep" he said with a dramatic pouty face. "ok get in the bed" he slightly smiled and crawled into your bed. "Wait, how did you get in here?" you said, slightly sitting up, "don't ask questions." He said , looking at you with a tired smile.

Guy Germaine:

Your parents were arguing with your brothers, you Climbed out the window and down the tree beside you. You walked down the street with no shoes on, you walked around your neighborhood with tears in your eyes from the constant yelling, You ended up wandering to Guy's house, you walked to the back of his house and knocked on the window. When he didn't answer you slid the slightly open window, I climbed in and into his bed beside him. "Why are your feet so cold?" "Not gonna ask why I'm here?" You said in a sniffly voice. "You ok? You sound upset." He replied."My parents are yelling at my brother again." He replied after hesitating. After talking about it you fell asleep in his arms.

Lester Averman:

Everyone went to a game at another school that was a few towns over, everyone was staying at a hotel that night. In the middle of the night you couldn't sleep and were staring at the celine, you decided to find Lester, you walked through the hall. You found his room and used the key you found in the hoodie you stole earlier that day. You opened the door and walked in, a bit of light shining onto the bed from the hallway. Averman sat up and saw you standing in the doorway, you walked forward closing the door behind you and climbing into his bed. You rested your head on his chest, "You ok?" he questioned, "yeah I just cant really sleep in hotels." you responded. Then you both drifted to sleep.

Luis Mendoza:

Luis had just gotten back from pranking Dwayne (in D2) instead of going to his own bed he got into yours, "what are you doing bebe." you said digging your head into his shoulder, "i wanted to cuddle" he said in a tired voice as he wrapped his arm around you as you moved your head and dug it into his chest as he told you about the prank he, Goldberg and Kenny played on Dwayne.

Russ Tyler:

Twas the night before you and russ left your home town for Eden Hall, and you stayed over at his house because his parents were taking you both to the airport the next morning and you had already said goodbye to your parents. You had never stayed over at each other's houses because your parents were VERY strict. You both Climbed into bed and rested your head on his chest as you both talked about how you thought the school would be until you fell asleep.


I am running out of ideas. Please request things. 

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