Period Pains | Dwayne Imagine

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I woke up with horrible pains in my lower stomach, I grabbed my stomach trying to find a way to relieve myself from the pain. Then suddenly the phone started ringing in the kitchen just the room over, I knew I was the only one in the house and slowly got out of bed. I walked towards the kitchen and to the phone taking a deep breath before picking it up, "Y/N? are you still coming over to the dorms tonight for movie night?" I heard a voice say on the other end of the call and immediately recognized it as Dwayne, "Im sorry Dwayne im not feeling well i'm going to stay home." I said trying to sound as normal as I could.

"Do you want me to come over? I can make you soup or we could just watch a movie?" Dwayne said with a worried voice, "I wouldn't want to take you from movie night with the rest of the team." I replied trying to seem like he didn't have to come, "Y/N you're sick I'm coming over, I'm always going to choose you over movie night." He replied with worry still in his voice, "Ok i'll see you soon ish." I said before hanging up and sitting on the floor.

I stood up and started to boil some water, placing it on the stove before sitting back on the floor of the kitchen, (I have definitely done this.) Not long later Dwayne walked through the front door and ran over to me on the floor, "Are you ok?" he said sitting beside me and looking at me with worry in his eyes.

I rested my head on his shoulder, "Tea." I said with light whisper, "What kind?" he replied quietly, "Bengal spice." (Or whatever tea you like.) He stood up and took the kettle off the stove and poured the water into the cup with the tea bag, "Honey?" he questioned "Yes please." I said looking up at him.

After he added the honey he walked down the hallway and placed it on my bedside table, he came back and picked me up bridal style, and walked me down the hallway into my room moving the covers and placing me in the bed before covering me with the blanket and walking over to the other side of the bed.

He lifted the blanket on the other side, climbing in and wrapped his arms around me sitting on my lower stomach. It's like he knew without me having to tell him, "Are you feeling any better?" he questioned in a hushed voice, "Yeah a bit." I said with a slight smile as I leaned into him a bit. 

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