Their reaction to you accidentally drop your towel

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Adam Banks:

*stand there for a few seconds*

"Bebe? Was that an accident? or...?" 🤨

"It was an accident."  

"oh-ok. ima go make food."

Charlie Conway:


*Walks away.* 

Connie Moreau:

*walks in not paying attention doesn't even see*

"AHH OH MY GOD CONNIE, you scared me"

"Oh sorry"

*walks out.*

Dean Portman:

*your walking through the hallway and you slip and your towel falls to the ground*


*Looks at you for a second.*

"Um ok."

*Walks away."

Dwayne Robertson:

*You accidentally drops your towel.*


"Dwayne why are you sorry?"

"I don't know."

"Don't be I dropped it and were dating."

"Oh yeah."

*He rubs back of his neck.*

Fulton Reed:

*blink blink blink*

"I-I um sorry?"

"Why sorry we're dating."

"I don't know." 😑🧍‍♂️ 

Guy Germaine:

*You walk into past the kitchen in your towel and don't realize Guy is in there.*

"Hey babe how was your shower?"

*he scared you and you jumped a bit and you towel dropped to the floor.*

"IM SORRY! I didn't mean to scare you."

*You pick up your towel and wrap it around you.*

"Its ok it's not your fault I dropped it."

Lester Averman:

*jumps out from the corner as you walk by not knowing you just had a shower and were in a towel, you drop your towel."


"SORRY! sorry I didnt realize."

"You are so annoying" *Joking way.*

Luis Mendoza:

Russ Tyler:

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