When they realized they liked you.

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*A few people on this one are missing I just cant think of any more for them.* 

Adam Banks:

When you were the only one who talked to him when he was put on varsity and didn't treat him different so you started to have a lot of alone time together and he got to know a whole new side of you. 

Dean Portman:

When he found out you have similar taste in music. 

Dwayne Robertson:

You were listening to country music in you and Julie's dorm room at Eden Hall, you heard a knock at your door, "COME IN." you yelled. Dwayne walked in and immediately recognize the song he looked at you with a confused look, "You like country music?" he questioned looking over to you, "Yeah, why wouldn't I? it's the best." you replied in a confused tone. "Most people from around here don't like this kind of music." "Well im not most people, oh did you come in for something?." i asked as the next song started to play. "Oh everyone is heading to dinner." "Oooo" you said as you sprung out of bed and you turned off the radio and ran past Dwayne and all the way to the cafeteria. 

Fulton Reed:

You had headphones in and were listening to one of your favorite songs teenage dirtbag, you started humming to the song and Fulton immediately recognized the song. "Is that teenage dirtbag?" He questioned, you took your headphones out. "What?" You Asked, "The song Is it teenage dirtbag?" He replied. "oh Yeah." you said with a smile placing the headphones back over your ear and rewinding the song. He smiled and saw you in a whole new way. 

Lester Averman:

Coach Bombay had just started coaching you and the team, you were in the ally when the hawk boys came and started saying things. You were only 11 but you were fisty, one of them went to far and you punched him in the face he had a black eye for a few weeks. Averman saw the whole thing and knew he liked you. 

Luis Mendoza:

You and the team were walking through town on your way to the park with your ice cream after practice one day, a car with a guy a few years older than you drove by catcalling you, you through your half eaten ice cream at the guy and hit him in the back on the head as you ran away down the street in the opposite direction. Luis watched as you ran down the street as they guy chased after you in the car and both of you yelled back and forth at each other, and he knew he liked you and needed you. 

Russ Tyler:

You had just won the goodwill games and everyone was at the campsite, Dwayne was playing guitar and everyone was singing, Russ was sitting beside you, you were exhausted and you subconsciously rested your head on his shoulder half asleep. He looked down at you and saw you staring at the fire like it fascinated you, he adjusted and you realized you had been resting on his shoulder but you didn't move he didn't seem to mind and until he said something you would stay like that. Everyone looked at you both confused but kept singing and having fun. When it was time for everyone to get some rest you had basically fallen asleep, Russ nudged you so you woke up. You stood up and started to walk away before turning back and saying "Goodnight." From that day on you both became pretty close and ended up date not long after. 

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