Them drunk

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Adam Banks:

Would be very tipsy and make not the best decisions. 

Charlie Conway:

He would be very aggressive, not with you but the anyone else. 

Connie Moreau:

Very dancy and would be very into the music. 

Dean Portman:

He would be extra protective and punch a few people for just normally talking to you. 

Dwayne Robertson:



"I know."

Fulton Reed:

He would be very dancy and push someone into a pool even if there is no pool at the party, he will find one. 

Guy Germaine:

Be a big baby and end up running away cry after someone slightly bumped into him. 

Lester Averman:

He would make very dirty jokes to everyone and ends up being punched in the face. 

Luis Mendoza:

Extra horny. 

Russ Tyler:

He would be very chatty and would tell you everything on his mind. 

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