How they found out you liked him

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*Some of these are really short compared to the others, im sorry I didn't have any ideas to make them longer.*

Adam Banks: 

You were at one of the ducks hockey games because you were always close friends with them, you had liked Adam from the day he joined the ducks. You came to one of their games at Eden Hall and when they won you ran onto the ice and into Adams arms. Connie skated up to you both as you talked, "Come on love birds were getting some food to celebrate." You blushed and looked over to Adam, "Adam?" "Yeah?" "Um I-I like you like, like like you and it's fine if you don't li-" you said before he cut you off "I like you to Y/N."

Charlie Conway:

You were sitting at the lunch table when your brother Fulton randomly blurted out that you liked Charlie, you shot him a glare before having a tiny freak out in your head. "Is it true?" he questioned as he looked over to you, "Maybe." you said as you looked at your food, "I maybe like you too." He replied as he also looked at the table.

Connie Moreau:

Connie had just come out of the closet a few days before and you were laying in your bed looking at the ceiling, you could not sleep and you turned over and looked at the alarm clock beside your bed and read, 2:06 you sighed you couldn't get it out of your mind you had had a giant crush on connie ever since you meet her. you jumped out of bed and ran out of your house not even putting shoes on not even knowing what you were doing. You ran 5 blocks to her house and you got to her house, you stopped in front of her house and stared at the door. I stood there for a good few minutes and slowly walked to the back of the house, you stopped in front of her window and hesitantly knocked. I saw Connie's head pop out from under her blanket and look over to the window, she stood up and walked over to the window opening it. i climbed in and stood in front of her "Connie? i-i know you just came out b-but i-i like you and i know you just came out of the closet.. but um i really like you and it's fine if you don-" she stopped me by kissing me and when she pulled away you said, "yeah um i should go to my house and sleep night." "Night" she said as she watched you climb out the window and trip over a tree branch and face planted.

Dean Portman:

Fulton is your brother, and ended up telling Dean. Dean walked up to you before practice, "Fulton said you liked me, was he lying." Your head snapped towards Fulton giving him a death glare, everyone watching you as you glared at Fulton. "Is that a yes?" He said looking down at you, "It's not a no." He looked down at you before kissing you as Fulton glared at the both of you.

Dwayne Robertson:

You were playing truth or dare with Connie and Julie in the corner of the room. One of them asked you who you liked and your face went slightly red with a smile, "Dwayne" you whispered, "Who?" Connie said leaning in "Dwayne" you said a little louder "DWAYNE, YOU LIKE DWAYNE" Julie yelled. Everyone quickly looked over, you stood up and ran out of the room. You could hear someone running after you and assumed it was Julie or Connie, you pushed a door open and ran into an empty classroom, you leaned against the wall and slid down, the door beside you slowly opened and you see Dwayne's hat poking out as he steps in. "Y/N?...If you want i can go" he said looking over to me "...No it's fine." I said , looking at my feet in embarrassment. We sat in silence but after a few minutes he looked over to me and slightly opened his mouth but paused, then said "um Y/N?" "Yeah?" "I like you too"

Fulton Reed:

Dean ended up telling Fulton that you liked him as a joke, but it ended up being true. If you want a more detailed thing it's basically Deans but with Fulton and Dean switched and slightly different personalities.

Guy Germaine:

You told Julie and Connie, (Connie and Guy never dated.) and they ended up telling him and making a big thing about it. "Guy Y/N likes you!" Connie yelled running up to Guy, "What? Y/N is that true?" You looked at them both, "Really Connie, REALLY!" "IS that a yes?" "Of course it's a yes."

Lester Averman:

You and Averman were walking to your next class when your brother walks up from behind and messes up your hair saying "I guess you and for-eyes over here are dating FINALLY, you have liked him since forever." "Really Jackson, REALLY" "Sorry" he said with a my bad smile and ran away. You ignored what he just said and kept walking, not realizing Averman had stopped a few steps back, you realized he was gone and stopped, you turned around to see Averman Standing in the middle of the hallway with a confused look on his face. You ran over to him saying "What's up?" "Are we just going to ignore the fact that your brother just said you like me?" he said with a confused look "Well do you like me?" you Questioned, "Yeah" he said looking at his feet, "What now?" "I have no idea," he said with a smile and a slight laugh.

Luis Mendoza:

Everyone was at lunch as you walked in, grabbing your food and sitting down across from Luis. Every Once and awhile you would look over to him and smile, connie who was sitting beside you said "Do you like him?" "NO...Why would you think that." She looked over to me with a you know i'm right look. You look back over to her "Ugg...Fine." She looked at me then over to Julie who was listening to the entire conversation, you immediately started to regret accepting it as smirks grew on their faces. "NO, NO" you yelled and the whole team went silent looking at you. You put your head in your hands and just tried to ignore everyone's silents. Julie then blurted out "Y/n likes Mendoza '' When you heard her say it your head dropped from your hand hitting the table with a light bang. "Y/N? You good.'' Connie said slightly nudging you. "Yeah i'm FINE Julie totally did not just tell everyone i like Luis and I Totally did not just smash my head on the table" I said with a sarcastic smile standing up to walk out as i felt a hand grasp my wrist. I swiftly turned back to see Luis dragging me out of the cafeteria. we dragged me in silents, he pulled a key out of his pocket and pushed it into the slot. he pulled me in and pulled me onto the couch, he walked into the bathroom and came back with a little red bag and sat down on the coffee table pulling out an alcohol wipe, cleaning my cut forehead and said. "Y/N I like you too"

Russ Tyler:

Russ came over to your house to work on a joint project, you have had a crush on him for what felt like forever. Then suddenly he was in your room sitting on your bed, you had no idea what to do and ended up being a bit awkward. After sitting around in your room for a few hours working on your project, he had to go to Eden Hall. They had a deadline for when you have to be in the dorms on weekdays. You walked him to the door, "OooO la la." your older brother said as he walked by and rubbed your hair. You smacked his back then looked back at Russ awkwardly, then for revenge for you just hitting him your brother yelled, "WHENS YOUR LITTLE BOYFRIEND GONNA LEAVE?" and you face immediately turned red. You looked over to Russ who was slightly smirking, then he walked up and kissed you. (Hope it doesn't seem to rushed I couldn't really think of anything to add to it.)


If you haven't noticed I have been posting a lot the past few days, My dog just died and iv been trying to distract myself and I have also been writing a story on Dwayne if you're interested. (:

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