What you do on rainy days

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Adam Banks:

He likes to do puzzles. (I just think that would be a thing he would like.)

Charlie Conway:

Make food and bake cookies. 

Connie Moreau:

Try on all your clothes and she ends up stealing some. 

Dean Portman:

watches scary movies so when you hear the thunder it scars you more and you snuggle up to him. 

Dwayne Robertson:

When it's lightly raining he likes to go for walks and if it's raining hard he likes to watch a movie. 

Fulton Reed:

Watch movies and eat popcorn. 

Guy Germaine:

he likes listening to music and dancing around. 

Lester Averman:

He likes to make a fort.

Luis Mendoza:

Takes you on walks.

Russ Tyler:

He likes to play bored games. 

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