reaction to you getting scared during a movie

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Adam Banks:

He would let you snuggle up to him and rub your shoulder

Charlie Conway:

He would rub your arm. 

Connie Moreau:

I think she would be more scared than you. 

Dean Portman:

Slightly smiles because he likes that you're snuggled up to him. 

Dwayne Robertson:

He would let you snuggle up to him and rub your shoulder or play something else.  

Fulton Reed:

He would rub your arm. 

Guy Germaine:

He would play a different movie. 

Lester Averman:

He would tell you random things he notices about the movie. 

Luis Mendoza:

He would let you snuggle up to him and rub your shoulder. 

Russ Tyler:

He would rub your arm. 

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