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After school one night you and Charlie were playing hockey at the pound by his house, you one of course. "Suck on that Conway." You yelled as you skated around the pond with your arms in the air, next thing you knew you had a snowball hurtling towards your face. It smashed into your face as the snow fell to the ground, you looked at charlee with the most unamused face expression. On the other hand Charlie had the most terrified look on his face, you skated over and slammed him into the snow bank beside.

You rolled off Charlie onto the snow beside him, you both laughed and just stayed there in silence. After a while he stood up and put out his hand for you to take, you took in and he helped you up. You both scared over to the bench beside the pound, you sat down and started to take off your skates. "Your pretty god Y/N." he said "Not too bad yourself conway." you replied with a smile.

After you both finished, you stood up to start walking home. "Y/N?" Charlie said in a slightly hushed voice, "Yeah?" you replied. "Want to walk home together?" He questioned. "Sure." you replied with a smile looking back and stopping so you could catch up.

You both walked through your neighborhood talking about random stuff, you walked up to your house and up the steps, "Bye Charlie, see you tomorrow." you said as you reached into your pocket searching for your keys. "Bye." He replied, you found the keys and put them into the slot and walked in.

When you got in you sighed in relief that you didn't lose your keys your parents would have been so mad. You locked the door behind you and walked up to your room, you changed into your pajamas and climbed into bed. you quickly drifted off to sleep.

You woke up to a knock at your window, you looked over to your alarm clock seeing it was 2 in the morning. You sighed in annoyance as you climbed out of your bed and walked over to the window. You opened your curtains and saw Charlie, you opened the window and he climbed in.

"Sorry if I woke you up." "It's fine." you said as you walked back over to your bed sitting down. "Are you ok?" You questioned, "Yes... no i-i um... Y/N?" "Yeah?" "I-I Like you and I know we're just friends but i-" You cut him off as you quickly stood up from the bed and walked over and kissed him.

After you pulled away he looked at you so very confused, "You like me or just trying to get me to shut up?" He questioned, ''You gave him a you're an idiot look and said, "I like you, you idiot." "Why didn't you tell me?" He questioned "Why didn't you tell me?" "I just did." he said as he looked at you. "Sooner." you said as he gave you a sarcastic death glare.

"Charlie we have school tomorrow its 2 in the morning and you can't stay here my parents would murder both of us if they found you here." You said as you walked back over to the window opening the curtains. "Wait, are we dating?" "Well... good question if you're down I'm down." you replied with a smile. Charlie climbed out the window and when he landed on the ground he said, "I'm down." as he walked out of your yard almost tripping on everything.

What my idea was before. ↓

Hockey "suck on that conway" snow in face screaming concerned person standing randomly at the park waiting for there dog to finish pooping.🧍‍♂️ 

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