Charlie Image | 7 minutes in heaven

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Everyone was at Charlie's house, I have liked him for a while now ever since I met him. Charlie had the idea to play 7 minutes in heaven, everyone agreed so we started. "how about me and y/n go first he said as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, my eyes widened and my cheeks grew pink.

I followed him into the closet and closed the door behind me, "We don't have to do anyth-" I cut him off kissing him, one hand on the back of his neck. I felt him place his hands on my waist pulling me closer to his and we kissed, I pulled away for a slight second to catch my breath and he pulled me right back in slightly pushing me against the wall beside us.

"I'm glad you picked me." I mumbles into the kiss with a slight chuckle, "Me too." he mumbled back. The 7 minutes flew by like seconds and before we knew it Adam opened the door seeing up both standing there kissing and just walked away not even saying a thing making me and Charlie burst out in laughter. 

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