Reaction to you quitting hockey

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Adam Banks:

He moved to varsity, and it was too much drama so you quit so you could drop the drama and hang out with him. He was happy that he at least had one friend and even better his girlfriend. 

Charlie Conway:

He would be ANGRY, and he would not talk to you for a few days until he gave it up and missed you too much. or maybe break up with you, I feel like I could see him doing that. 

Connie Moreau:

She would be annoyed but get over it after a few weeks. 

Dean Portman:

He would freak out but come around after a day or 2 because he missed you. 

Dwayne Robertson:

He would be a bit annoyed but would understand if you had the right reasons. 

Fulton Reed:

He would be surprisingly calm and understanding but be bummed that he wouldn't be able to see you as much.  

Guy Germaine:

He would be surprisingly mad and annoyed, but come around but bring it up every once and a while.  

Lester Averman:

He would be fine with it, and act like nothing happened. 

Luis Mendoza:

He would be annoyed but wouldn't tell you but then would snap a while after. 

Russ Tyler:

He would tell you that it annoys him but would be cool after you talked. 

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