Seven minutes in heaven

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If you were in a secret relationship and were paired up with someone else, I know its only three of them and I didn't want to not post them. 

Dean Portman:

You and Dean are secretly sating and everyone ended up coming to the dorm for a sleepover, someone had the idea to play 7 minutes of heaven. It ended up being you and Charlie first, you followed him into the closet and you could feel Deans glaring at Charlie and you slightly chuckled under you breath as you closed the door behind you, you sat on the floor and Charlie sat beside you. You both sat in silents until the time was up, You both walked out to everyone. Dean was glaring Charlie and then you, you went over and sat beside him. He seemed to calm down when you smiled at him but he still seemed jealous. 

Dwayne Robertson:

You and Dwayne were secretly dating and everyone ended up coming over to the dorm for a sleepover, Charlie had the bright idea to play 7 minutes in heaven and me and Dwayne quickly exchanged looks and decided to play just so no one would get suspicions and the secret relationship would get out before we were ready. After everyone excepted Charlie stood up saying, "I think Averman and...Y/N." He said with a smirk, you looked over to Averman and saw him roll his eyes then looked over to Dwayne who was sitting beside him and you could see him trying to hide the annoyed look on his face. You and Averman stood up and walked over to the closet, you sat on the floor or the large closet leaning against the wall behind you. Averman sat down beside you leaning against the wall, you both sat in silents until the time was almost over, "I hate Charlie sometimes." you1 slightly chuckled at the comment, "Yeah I know how you feel." you said with a smile. Only a few seconds later Charlie opened the door facing the other way probably expecting something to had happen, then after a few seconds turning back and us passing by out into the room with everyone else. You sat down beside Dwayne and Averman sat on the other side of the room in your past spot, Dwayne looked over to you and you gave him a smile and he smiled back realizing he had nothing to be worried about. 

Russ Tyler:

Everyone got together for a sleepover at the dorm at Eden Hall it wasn't necessary allowed but it wasn't necessary not.  After awhile Dean had the bright idea to play 7 minutes in heaven, everyone agreed and because you and russ didnt want to be suspicious so you both accepted. Dean had the most suspicious smile on his face, He started to talk, "I think Banks should be paired with Y/N." You blanked for a second trying to think of what to do next you stood up and started to follow Adam into the closet, you walked into the closet closing the door behind you. You leaned against the door and slid down to the floor, Adam gave you a confused look and sat down beside you. You both sat in silence and after the 7 minutes were up Dean opened the door and saw you both sitting in the middle of the room facing different ways in silents, "Um ok times up." You stood up and walked out to see Russ and his gloomy face, you walked up to him and sat down beside him, he had a confused look on his face, "I KNEW IT YOU TOO ARE DATING!" Dean yelled as he ran over and everyone looked over to you. "THAT'S WHY YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WITH ADAM IN THE CLOSET." He continued, "Do you have to yell?" you replied, "YESS." He snapped back as you rolled your eyes. 

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