what they do after a break up

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Adam Banks:

Charlie Conway:

Extra moody and just ends up lashing out at the whole team.

Connie Moreau:

She becomes quieter, ends up packing it down and lashing out at the team and her family.

Dean Portman:

Always watching rom com movies, quieter and louder at the same time.

Dwayne Robertson:

Pretends he's fine but he's not and ends up slowly getting over it.

Fulton Reed:

Dean ends up coming over and watching rom coms with him.

Guy Germaine:

He eats lots of chocolate and watches a lot of movies.

Lester Averman:

He watches comedy movies and is either more or less of his funny self; it differs from time to time.

Luis Mendoza:

Ends up quickly getting a new girlfriend.

Russ Tyler:

Calls his grandma to send him pie then eats said pie and tries to distract himself.


I don't know why but I associate pie and burgers with Russ. 

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