Them as a teen parent

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Adam Banks:

His mom randomly showing up and telling him what to do and him getting annoyed. 

Him constantly talking about it in school. 

His parents and yours fighting to take care of the baby when you're at school and him figuring it out knowing it stressed you out. 

Charlie Conway:

Wraps the baby in his jersey. 

As soon as it's old enough he teaches it to skate. 

Constantly bringing the baby to the ice rink and skating around with it. He is careful. 

Connie Moreau:

Very self conscious of what people think. 

Likes to stay home more. 

hates getting up in the middle of the night. 

Dean Portman:

Trains the baby to like rock music. 

Always stealing the baby and walking around with Fulton doing random things. 

Tries to get Fulton a date by making girls think that it's his baby. 

Dwayne Robertson:

He would always want to be with the baby.

Gets up early and during the night a lot.

Gets the baby a little cowboy hat. 

Fulton Reed:

You constantly walk into them both fast asleep snuggled up with each other. 

Dean randomly showing up and putting bandanas on the baby's head. 

He would be the one getting up in the middle of the night most of the time. 

Guy Germaine:

Randomly taking the baby for walks in the park when you're sleeping and giving you mini heart attacks. 

Talks to the baby in the middle of the night when he thinks you're sleeping.

 When the baby's sleeping he's sleeping. 

Lester Averman:

Tells baby jokes. 

constantly telling the team how cute he thinks the baby's laugh is. 

Loves having naps with you and the baby snuggled up to him. 

Luis Mendoza:

Takes you and the baby on walks to the park.

lets the baby throw bread at the ducks.

Almost dropped the baby a few times almost giving you a heart attack. 

Russ Tyler:

Has conversations with the baby like it answers back.

Loves giving the baby baths and gets annoyed if you do it. 

Very over protective of it. 

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