How they would be at a concert

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Adam Banks:

Gets lots of food. 

Charlie Conway:

always leaving for what feels like ever to get more food or drinks or to go to the bathroom. 

Connie Moreau:

Calm, If there is a autograph signing she needs to go. 

Dean Portman:

Loud practically screaming.

Dwayne Robertson:

If its country he sings with it and has a corndog. 

Fulton Reed:

Loud, knows every lyric. 

Guy Germaine:

constantly needing to go to the bathroom because he got a jumbo pop. 

Lester Averman:

Tries to talk to you when you cant hear him and are trying to lissen to the music. 

Luis Mendoza:

Knows the learns to every song. 

Russ Tyler:

 The person who hates when the singers talk about the songs. 

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