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I went to the Arcade with my older brothers, I never wanted to go in the first place they always left me half way through. Five minutes in I was right they left me alone, I wandered around the arcade I ate some food and played some games.

After a while I bumped into a boy, he had curly brown hair and glasses. His drink all over my shirt, "Im-I Sorry." He said rubbing my shirt with a napkin, "It's fine, It's an old shirt anyways." I said with a smile as I looked over to the boy, noticing how cute I found him.

"Do you want a pop or something to make up for the fact that I split one all over your shirt?" He said as he looked down at the ground and slightly adjusted his glasses. "Sure that would be nice." I said with a smile, as we both started walking towards the snack bar.

After we got out of drinks we sat down at a table, and we started talking. After a while I knew my brothers would be coming to get me. I gave him my home phone number and headed to find my brothers. My brothers saw me leaving the table and walked up to me, making fun of me for hanging out with him.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at the boy, "Bye Lester." I said as we walked away, I knew everyone called him Averman. I just liked Lester better. He waved back at me as I left the building, that night I couldn't stop thinking about the boy.

The next morning the phone started ringing, I picked it up and lo and behold it was Lester. "Hi, is Y/N there?" he questioned, "Yeah, hi Lester." I said as a smile grew on my face. "Oh hi Y/N I wanted to ask you something." "Yeah?" I replied intrigued, "Do you want to come to one of my games with me? maybe get some food with me and my friends after?"

"That would be nice." I replied as the smile that was on my face grew bigger. A few days went by and I went to the game. I headed towards Eden Hall, the sports school that mostly only rich kids went to. I'm glad he's not one of those stuck up rich kids.

I walked into the building and over to rink, all the players were skating around the ice and I stood in front of the rink and looked at the kids. I looked for 04. It's kind of ironic that the boy I like wears my favorite number on his jersey.

I immediately spotted him seeing the boy skate up to the net and then looked over to me, we made eye contact and he started to skate over to me. half the kids on the ice and looked over to me then Averman, one of the boys then yelled "THAT'S THE GIRL HOW DID YOU GET A DATE WITH HER!" I slightly smiled at the comment and took a seat in the stands.

I'm just skipping the hockey part. I'm not really in the mood for watching the movie and writing every little detail about it.

They won the game and I ran out onto the ice. I had only known him for how long but I liked that boy so much. I pulled him into a kiss as everyone around us celebrated. 

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