Who drives more

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Adam Banks:

It's about even, it mostly depends of wether of not he wants to drive or not. 

Charlie Conway:

You, but he always tells you where to turn and you have gotten into a few arguments about it. 

Connie Moreau:

You, She doesn't like to as much especially at night. 

Dean Portman:

Him, he doesn't trust you not to get lost. 

Dwayne Robertson:

Him, He likes driving especially in the country when it starts to get dark. 

Fulton Reed:

Him, he likes being in control so he usually drives.

Guy Germaine:

You, He likes to sleep in the car. 

Lester Averman:

Him, he likes to talk to you and sometimes keeps you up when you want to sleep. 

Luis Mendoza:

You, but he always plays with the music. 

Russ Tyler:

Him, he had a rule that only the person who is driving controls the music so he always does so he can choose. 

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