reactions to you saying "I hate you"

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Adam Banks:

"I HATE YOU." you yelled in the heat of an argument, "REALLY. THEN WHY ARE WE EVEN DATING." He snapped back, you looked to the ground, "Well-I-I don't really hate you I-I im just angry." you said a bit quietly, as Adam looked down at you. 

Charlie Conway:

"I HATE YOU." you yelled in the heat of an argument, "I HATE YOU TOO SO MAYBE IT'S NOT MENT TO BE." He snapped back, "I-I did't mean it." you said quietly under your breath as tears streaming down your face. He walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you, "I didn't mean it either, im sorry." "Im sorry too."  

Connie Moreau:

"I HATE YOU." you yelled in the heat of an argument, as you watched your girlfriend Connie break down crying you ran over to her holding her in your arms. "Im sorry, im sorry I didn't mean it-it was I-Im just mad im sorry." You said as you held her in a tight hug, "It's ok." She said in a whisper. 

Dean Portman:

"I HATE YOU." you yelled in the heat of an argument, "OH REALLY SO YOU'VE BEEN LYING TO ME FOR THE LAST HOW LONG" He snapped back, you looked to the ground as tears started streaming down your face. He walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you, "I know you didn't mean it, im sorry I snapped." "Im sorry too." you said in a shaky voice. 

Dwayne Robertson:

"I HATE YOU." you yelled in the heat of an argument, "You don't mean that." he said quietly as he took his hat off and pointed his head down. "I-I didn't mean it." You said looking down at the ground. 

Fulton Reed:

"I HATE YOU." you yelled in the heat of an argument, "Yeah ok, GREAT!" He said before flopping onto a chair and ignoring you for the rest of the night, then the next day acting like it never happened. 

Guy Germaine:

"I HATE YOU." you yelled in the heat of an argument, "I HATE YOU TOO." "WELL I HATE YOU MORE." "NO I HATE YOU MORE." Then you both would give up and end up forgiving each other. 

Lester Averman:

"I HATE YOU." you yelled in the heat of an argument, "Oh you know you love me and you just cant except it because im so amazing." He said with a slight smile but you knew it bugged him and that he was hurt, "Im sorry." you said as you walked up to him. 

Luis Mendoza:

"I HATE YOU." you yelled in the heat of an argument, he didn't say a think just sat and looked at you before leaving and not talking to you for a few days.

Russ Tyler:

"I HATE YOU." you yelled in the heat of an argument, "YEAH RIGHT Y/N GET OVER YOURSELF." He snapped back as you started to get even more worked up, when he noticed you he ended up apologizing and making up with you even if he is stubborn. 

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