things you two do that the team hates

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Adam Banks:

You both talk while you practice hockey and they all hate it. 

Charlie Conway: 

You are both very competitive especially with each other and always end up turning practice into Y/N vs Charlie games. (Coach hates this the most.) 

Connie Moreau:

They hate that you wear matching outfits. 

Dean Portman:

When you randomly blast rock music in the middle of practice. 

Dwayne Robertson:

They hate when you have your farm conversations about all the names of each others cows. (for hours)

Fulton Reed:

When you to ditch the ducks to hang out with each other alone instead. (Especially dean and Charlie.)

Guy Germaine:

You both watch a lot of movies and end up spoiling them for everyone on the team. 

Lester Averman:

when you constantly tell each other inside jokes that no one understands. 

Luis Mendoza:

When he uses you to stop and you both end up going down sometimes taking down everyone else. 

Russ Tyler:

Randomly make fun of people on the team. (Playfully.)

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