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You were sitting in your room listening to music when your dorm room crashed open, "WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO." Dean yells as he storms in. "country." you quickly responded. "COUNTRY? REALLY? Has Dwayne started to rub off on you?" You rolled your eyes at the response to the type of music you were listening to. "Really Dean it's not that bad. I still like rock. I just also like country I always have and I thought you were hanging out with fulton?" You replied. "He's busy." He said looking down at the ground. "What? When is Fulton busy?" You questioned, "Since he got a girlfriend." He responded, "Really? is that why you're in a bad mood? you know he can have a girlfriend too?" "Yeah." He said in a pouty voice, you rolled your eyes and motioned for him to come over. He started walking over before stopping at your radio and changed the station, you rolled your eyes and lifted the blanket for him. He climbed in and placed the blanket over the both of you. After a while you both fell asleep with your head resting on his chest.


The next paragraph is more funny and really random.

Not long after falling asleep you woke up to the door slamming open. You lifted your head off dean's chest as you both sat up and looked over to the door, Fulton stood in the doorway looking over to the both of you. "Hello?" you said in a confused tone, "Hi can I talk to you Dean?" he questioned." Dean looked down at you who had already placed your head on the pillow beside, you shrugged as Dean got out of bed towards fulton. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have left you like that. She was horrible, the worst date I have ever had." "I told you" I rolled your eyes at the conversation, They pulled each other into a bro hug and skipped off holding hands. Averman walked in with the most confused look on his face, "What just happened?" "I don't even know anymore Averman."

Music CRASH screaming cuddles confusion Averman standing like this🧍‍♂️watching the whole thing. 

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