Charlie | Meeting mom

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I hesitantly knocked on the door and took a few steps back, I felt my heart pounding as the door opened revealing Charlie. A worried smile was plastered on my face as he let me in. I took my shoes off placing them on the mat with all the other shoes. I followed Charlie through the house and into the living room.

I saw his mom in the kitchen as I sat on the couch I had sat on so many times before. I felt my heart beat speed up as she looked out of the kitchen, her eyes met with mine. Charlie sat down on the couch beside me looking over and noticing my worried face become stronger.

I felt his hand fall onto mine slightly squeezing it as his mom walked into the room and I plastered the fakest smile I could. As we all talked I felt myself zoning out in thought only every once in a while coming back to reality.

After a while Charlie stood up to go to the bathroom, I watched as he stood up and walked out of the room before slowly turning my head towards his mom. My eyes met with hers as I tried to keep my smile but soon failed realizing the hatred in the look she was giving me. We sat in silence as we waited for Charlie to get back

I heard the bathroom door click as it came open as my head snapped over to the hallway, I watched Charlie apare from the hallway as I placed the smile back on my face. I looked over to his mom who had a giant fake smile plastered on her face.

Charlie walked into the kitchen, "I think it's done mom." He said, peeking his head out into the living room, "Ok honey can you help me set the table?" She replied in a happy voice but the smile was gone as she looked straight at me as I tried to keep my smile.

"Sure." Charlie replied as she stood up and walked towards him, I heard them both whispering as I sat alone on the couch before standing up and sitting down at the table beside Charlie. I felt Charlie's hand grasp mine like it did not long before as I served myself.

Charlie and his mom talked for the entire time as I sat in silence picking at my food with Charlie's hand still holding mine. Charlie seemed off. I didn't know why but he never held my hand when we ate. Maybe he realized how his mom was making me feel.

Soon we finished dinner and Charlie seemed to be in a bit of a rush to leave, almost right after dinner was done he went to his room picking up his overnight bag before basically pulling me out of the house and into his car.

We both sat in silence for the first few minutes as he held my hand and I looked out the window, "I'm sorry about my mom, she can be way too over protective sometimes." He said turning towards me breaking the silents, "Its ok..." I replied as I turned my head towards him giving him a slight smile, "No. No it's not ok, she was rude and I could tell it hurt you. I know how nervous you were to meet her and she was so rude to you. You didn't deserve that." He said in a huff as he pulled up to my house.

I felt a slight smile grow on my face as I got out of the car, I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him. I dug my head into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

I stepped back and took his hand, dragging him up the steps and into my house. 

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