They notice your tired

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Adam Banks:

You went to his parents house for dinner and after eating you were sitting on their couch when you started too fell tired trying to stay awake when Adam saw you slowly blinking, "I think i should take Y/N home." they both nodded and slightly smiles to you as you collected your stuff and headed out the door.  

Charlie Conway:

At the camping trip after winning the goodwill games Charlie noticed that you were starting to fall sleep, and walked over beside you sitting beside you at the fire letting you lean on his shoulder as he quietly talked to one of the other ducks. 

Connie Moreau:

She would be even more tired than you and she wouldn't even notice. 

Dean Portman:

You both went to a birthday party, it was late and you were half asleep so he let you fall sleep on his shoulder and later he carried you home and tucked you in bed and kissed your forehead because he may act like a badass but he's a softy for you. 

Dwayne Robertson:

You went home with Dwayne for a few weeks for summer break and with his family you had a fire in the yard. You sat beside Dwayne, and starting to fall sleep from being so tired from the plain ride earlier that day. You started to drift off and Dwayne almost immediately noticing and let you lean on his shoulder for a bit before taking you to bed. 

Fulton Reed:

You were half asleep on the couch as everyone was having a movie night, Fulton noticed bringing you onto his lap letting you fall asleep in his arms. 

Guy Germaine:

You went camping with him and his family and you started to drift off, Guy noticed. "You want to go to bed?" He said looking over to you, "yeah." you replied with a tired voice. "Were going to go to bed." Guy said as he took your hand bringing you to the tent, you both climbed into your giant sleeping bag you wrapped in his arms as you feel sleep. 

Lester Averman:

It was Averman's birthday, you were half asleep. Averman noticed taking you up to his room and tucking you into his bed before sitting with you for a few minutes until you feel asleep. Then he went back down to the party and turned down the music. 

Luis Mendoza:

You went to the movies and you started to doze off, Luis notices and wrapped his arm around you letting you lean into him.

Russ Tyler:

You and Russ were at a party after winning a game, he could tell you were getting tired and sat beside you and wrapped his arm around you moving his arm up and down your arm as you leaned your head into his shoulder. 

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