their reaction to you being pregnant.

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These are all if you go pregnant at a young age like in your teen years. 

Adam Banks:

He would freak out but calm down after a few days. 

Charlie Conway:

He would be calm and supportive but his mom hated you but never told him so whenever he's out of the room she practically glares at you the intire time and it got worse when you got pregnant.  

Connie Moreau:

Well if you were pregnant that means you cheated on her with a dude so she would be oh so happy...😰

Dean Portman:

He would be calm and supportive but randomly have little freak out moments. (He would also be EXTRA over protective more than usual.)

Dwayne Robertson:

He was pretty calm, supportive and a bit protective over you since he found out. 

Fulton Reed:

He would freak out at first (I hope you would understand) but after talking with Dean he would calm down and be supportive. 

Guy Germaine:

He was a bit stressed about becoming a father but was excited at the same time.  

Lester Averman:

He was excited to be able to make pregnant jokes with you but was stressed about money and what his parents would think but was very supportive. 

Luis Mendoza:

He totally freaked, running away from you when you told him. But he did come back and after he calmed down he was supportive and stoped with the constant flirting with random girls. 

Russ Tyler:

He was a bit distant after you told him but soon told you he was worried what his parent would think and you both supported each other with telling your parents. 

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