How the team found out you were dating

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Adam Banks:

At the end of a game you scored the winning goal, Adam ran up to you as you pulled off you helmet he pulled off his and he kissed you. The in tire team freezed not knowing what to do, what to think. 

Charlie Conway:

You are one of the people on the team who stayed in the dorms at Eden Hall, and you kept leaving to go to Charlies house and everyone figured out you were leaving randomly in the middle of the night and fit the pieces together.  

Connie Moreau:

When she came out of the closet, everyone just immediately knew because you both hug out a lot and you like girls too, so. 

Dean Portman:

When you both started dating Dean told Fulton, after a few months of dating Fulton blurted it out in front of the intire team. 

Dwayne Robertson:

On the night of the prank with the ants you were on the back of Dwaynes horse and after he roped the guy you both came down from the horse and he kissed you, but Connie and Guy saw you when they were on look out and ended up telling everyone. 

Fulton Reed:

Not long after your started dating Fulton couldn't hold it in any longer, and told Dean but made the stupid disunion to tell him in the locker room and Averman heard them and told the intire team. 

Guy Germaine:

You and Guy went on a date to the park, and you and Guy kissed and Connie was there. Long story short she told everyone and was a bit mad at you because Connie and Guy used to date, but after awhile you and Connie made up. 

Lester Averman:

They found you and him making out in the locker room, and everything came out all at once. 

Luis Mendoza:

He accidentally let it slip in a conversation. 

Russ Tyler:

You were kissing in his dorm at Eden Hall and Kenny walked in and told everyone. 

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