Why you would fight

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Adam Banks:

When he joined Varsity you ended up arguing about it. 

Charlie Conway:

He left your date early to play hockey with the boys and didn't even invite you to come. 

Connie Moreau:

You got jelly when she was hanging out with Julie and they had a sleepover without you. 

Dean Portman:

Him spending too much time with Fulton.

Dwayne Robertson:

He would ask you too many questions. 

Fulton Reed:

Him spending too much time with Dean.

Guy Germaine

He still hangs out with Connie and you get jelly sometimes. 

Lester Averman:

He takes a joke too far.

Luis Mendoza:

He uses you to stop. 

Russ Tyler:

He can be sassy and you end up yelling at his about it when he went too far one time. 

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