Their reaction to finding you crying in the locker room

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Adam Banks:

*Walks in*

"OH MY GOD, Y/N are you ok?"


*Runs over and hugs you from the side, you both sit in silence as you cry into his shoulder, then talk about it." 

Charlie Conway:

"Y/N? You in here couch is as-... Are you ok?" 

*Rushes over to you*

*Sniffle* "Yeah" 

"Oh come here."

*Pulls you into a big hug.*

Connie Moreau:

*She walked into the locker loom finding you sitting there crying, she walked over saying nothing and hugged you.*

Dean Portman:

*He walked in and saw you crying on the bench.*

"Oh muffin."

*he said as he ran over pulled you up into a hug.*

"Who did this." 

*You shook your head into his chest and he tightened the grip he had around you. 

Dwayne Robertson:

*Walks in trying to find you, sees you sitting on the bench crying. Walks over, and sits bedside you. He rubbed your back.*

"Whats wrong?" *Quietly/worried.

Fulton Reed:


*Runs over picks you up and holds you in a tight hug.*

"Are you ok? Y/N? Are you ok?" Quietly/worried. 

Guy Germaine:



*runs over and sits beside you and keeps asking you if you're ok. 

Lester Averman:

"Y/N OH MY GOD! who did this are you ok?"

"(Whatever happened in short detail.)

"Oh my god im so sorry." 

*Pulls you into a tight hug."

Luis Mendoza:

*Runs over and holds onto you.*

"Are you ok?" 


"You know what I mean." 

Russ Tyler:

*Runs over and grabs onto you, he hugged you letting you cry into his shoulder. He said nothing you said nothing."

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