First kiss

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Adam Banks:

You went to the ducks game at Eden Hall, you sat down and waited for the game to start it was Varsity vs JR, the game started and it was going horribly but after the second part time break ended they had a new player you didn't know who he was so you assumed he was Dean. The game started, it was going great as they tied up the score, only a few minutes left on the clock. You sat on the edge of your seat as the last goal was scored. You ran onto the ice into Adam's arms, he pulled away from the hug. He flung his helmet off and pulled you back and kissed you.

Charlie Conway:

You and Charlie had been dating for a bit and you both couldn't sleep one night so you went to a pond near your houses, you played a game of 1 v 1, you won and yelled. "suck on that Conway you suck." "HEY." he yelled back, pushing you into the snow bank and laying down beside you. You both stared at the stars and when you decided you both should probably get back before your parents realized you were gone. Charlie helped you up and you both stared at each other, he leaned in and kissed you and after you pulled away you said, "not bad Conway."

Connie Moreau:

She had just come out and everyone was hanging out. You had been dating for a while but kept it a secret, you randomly dragged her away and made you follow you to the top of the school. You both sat on the roof of the building, your feet hanging off the edge until you guided her face towards your and kissed her.

Dean Portman:

Dean was leaving for the goodwill games, you came with his family to drop him off at the airport. You walked with him as far as you could, after you said your goodbyes you were watching him walk away and saw him drop his bag. He ran back over to you and kissed you, he pulled away and walked away. You stood there shocked and didn't know what to do so you just watched him walk away.


The car ride home with his parents was very awkward. :/

Dwayne Robertson:

On the prank night when everyone was putting the ants in Varsity's beds you were on the back of a horse with Dwayne as he took down the guy with his lasso, the horse went on its two back legs and you almost fell off you yelled "DWAYNE" "Sorry" he said as he jumped off the horse and helped you down. He still had his arms around your waist from helping you down. you made eye contact with him quickly, gave him a little peck of a kiss and you started running, "hey get back here" he said running after you. He caught up to you and pulled you in and kissed you, you both then walked back to the horse.


The guy was tied up on the ground the entire time.

Fulton Reed:

You and Fulton went to the pool in the summer, you had been dating for a week or so and wanted to do something fun. When you got there you ended up pushing each other in at random times, one time you went to throw Fulton in the pool and he grabbed your arm and took you down with him. He helped you up and pulled you into a kiss. 

Guy Germaine:

After you scored the winning goal you skated over to Guy, you un-clipped your helmet and threw it on the ground as Guy took off his. You wrapped your arms around his neck, he pulled me in and kissed me. Once I pulled away I slimed at him as you skated away towards the group of celebrating kids.

Lester Averman:

You and Averman had been dating for a few weeks, and when you went back to your home town for Christmas break so you didn't see him for 2 weeks and when you came back to Eden Hall two days before school started again. You got off your plane and got on the bus. When the bus pulled up to the school you ran off the bus to see Averman sitting outside on a bench. "Hello" he said standing up and kissed you when he pulled away he said. "Sorry, i ju-" before he could finish you pulled him back in and kissed him again. You pulled away flipping your bag over your shoulder and running away as he chased after.

Luis Mendoza:

I don't want to re-use a kiss or anything but the kiss with Mindy, I just can't think of anything else that I haven't used for other ones.... and I don't want to go into detail about it right now...Hope you can forgive me. (:

Russ Tyler:

Russ, your best friend that you've had a crush on since he joined the ducks was leaving for Christmas break, you were sitting in his room on his bed as he packed, "Do you have to go?" you question turning your head to look at him, "Yeah." He replied flopping on the bed beside you, you turned your head and saw him looking at the ceiling. "But I'm going to miss you." you signed, "Yeah, but i'll bring you back some of my grandma's famous apple pie to make up for it. Deal?" "Deal." You said smiling and sitting up. He stood up and finished packing. After he was finished you both walked to the bus that was parked in front of the school, "Bye." you signed, He looked at you for a slight second like he was hesitating and pulled you in and kissed you, you stood there in shook "Bye Y/N see you in two weeks." he said getting on the bus. "Bye" you said as the biggest smile grew on your face as the bus drove away. 

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