Dean Image | Enemies

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I walked down the hall glaring at Dean as I passed him but he smashed his shoulder into mine, It's been like this since we meet I can't even remember how it started we have been at the same school for almost a year and i'm a few months into my second year of high school and it's hard not being able to go to any hockey games unless i want him to shot glares at me. At first it was just him now it's almost the entire team, they don't glare at me but it's hard not being able to talk to my brother in front of his friends and when they come over I have to hide in my room and since Fulton and Dean are best friends it's even harder, especially when Dean doesn't know.

My brother told me some of his friends were coming over but never said when. I walked out of my room to get some snacks before his friends showed up and I was locked in my room. I peeked out of the room walking down the stairs and past the living room, in the corner of my eye I saw someone sitting on the couch. I assumed it was Fulton and continued walking towards the kitchen.

After I got my snacks I started walking back through the house when I bumped into someone, I dropped my snacks cursing under my breath at my chips falling underneath everything else and probably getting smushed.

Before I could pick up my snacks I heard someone talk and my head snapped forward to the tall figure. "Y/N?! What are you doing here." He said as I recognized him and my eyes widened and went to run away. He grabbed my arm and stopped me from walking away. I snapped back looking up at him. He looked down at me with confusion and anger.

I looked down at the ground for a second, before feeling a soft hand grip the bottom on my chin and lifting my head upward, my eyes meeting with his, as he brought his hand down from my chin to his side.

We both stood there in silence for a few minutes before Fulton came crashing down the stairs and I literally mean CRASHING, he came down the stairs smashing into the wall in front of them and knocking a framed photo off the wall that landed face up. Dean and I both broke eye contact looking over to Fulton who was rubbing his head.

Dean suddenly looked down at the framed photo that ended up being of me and Fulton from when we were around 8, his head snapped upward looking back and forth between the two of us, "She's your twin?" He hesitantly said, "Yep." He replied, still rubbing his head, "So let me get this straight all the stories you told me about your twin were... Her?" He said as he placed his hand in his pocket, "Yeah." Fulton said with a Im sorry-look on his face.

We all stood there in silent tension roaming around the room, Dean glaring at Fulton as I tried to pick up my snacks unnoticed and sneak away. I started to walk away when I heard Fulton start talking, "Maybe we should talk about this on the couch? maybe with Y/N?" He hesitantly said as he walked over to the couch and I walked over as well, already knowing it was either I went now or in five minutes Fulton would yell for me to come down.

We all sat on the couch as I opened my bag of chips. They both looked over seeing me munching on them, Fulton rolled his eyes before saying, "Ok I know you're both mad at me already but can I just explain?" I nodded and looked over to Dean who just sat there with his arms crossed, I knew it was a big secret to keep from him for almost 2 years.

Fulton sighed then started to talk, "Ok so the reason i didn't tell you Dean... is because well i don't want you dating my sister, If you broke up then you would never be able to come over and well I-" "I'M SORRY WHAT?! You think we would date?" I snapped interrupting him, he rolled his eyes and looked at me with his eyebrows raised, "I saw you 2 looking at each other with goo goo eyes for like 5 minutes." He said with a slightly disgusted look on his face.

Dean didn't even move not knowing what to say. "Ok explain me this why do you think we would date if we hate each other, which by the way i have no idea why!" I said, slightly shaking my head before shoving more chips in my mouth. Fulton rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, "Well-I... kind of maybe told Dean lies about you so he would hate you because he said you looked hot and I-I didn't want to hear that or tell him or i wanted to tell him bu-" he quickly said before I interrupted him, "STOP you told him WHAT exactly."

"It doesn't matter." Dean blurted out, my head snapped over in his direction then down to the ground. "Look im sorry, I-I just i don't want either of you to hurt each other and i don't want to lose one of you in the proses." Fulton said looking down at the ground, "Ok first thing I'm your twin and you're kind of stuck with me and I don't know about Dean but I understand why you didn't tell him and if you can't forgive you then it's his loss.

"I do understand I'm just trying to wrap my head around you being Fulton's twin." "I looked up at him and said, "So Fulton said you said I was hot? was it true?" I said with a smirk, "REALLY Y/N I'M RIGHT HERE." Fulton snapped. I looked over smirking at him before standing up, picking up all my snacks and walking out of the room.

I walked up to my room and sat down on my bed, but before I could do anything I heard a knock at the door. "COME IN." I yelled so they could hear me, the door slowly opened revealing Dean standing in the doorway awkwardly, I raised my eyebrows looking over to him I didn't know what to say.

"Hello." I said trying to hide the nervousness in my voice, "Y/N. Can I talk to you?" He said as he scanned the room, "Yeah sure." I said with a smile as he closed the door behind him. "Y/N I like you, and i have for a while but when Fulton told me the rumor about you I-" as he talked I walked over to him and cut him off by kissing him, I had always thought of his one way and questioned my brother for being friends with him but after seeing him tell me how he felt my emotions that I hid away over a year ago when i thought it would never happen came back even stronger. 

After that me and Dean started dating and i started hanging out with the Ducks almost everyday. (: 

Request by:  @dontibblesarmhair

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