What they do when your crying

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Adam Banks:

sits with you until you fall sleep. 

Charlie Conway:

Comforts you then gets you fast food and watches movies with you. 

Connie Moreau:

Just sits with you and try's everything in her power to make you feel better.

Dean Portman:

Holds you until you calm down then gets you some food then threatens to kill the person who hurt you. 

Dwayne Robertson:

Holds you into a hug and rubs your back.

Fulton Reed:

Just holds you and rubs your back. 

Guy Germaine:

He will not know what to do but will try everything to make you feel better. 

Lester Averman:

Holds you and tells you jokes to try and cheer you up. 

Luis Mendoza:

Hold you and rubs your arm and whispers things to you to try and make you feel better. 

Russ Tyler:

Holds you tight in his arms and strokes your back until you calm down or you fall sleep. 

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