Reaction to you wanting a hug

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You had a bad/stressful day.

Adam Banks:

You walked down the street until you got to Adam's house, you walked up to the porch and knocked on the door. It took a few seconds but the lock clicked and the door opened, Adam standing there you ran into his arms wrapping your around him and Burying your head into his chest as he wrapped his around you whispering in your ear, "What's wrong muffin."

Charlie Conway:

You saw Charlie and just stopped in your tracks and he immediately walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you, knowing that you had a ruff day just looking at you.

Connie Moreau:

You walked up to her and wrapped her arms around her, your chin resting on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around you and slightly squeezed you, not saying a word.

Dean Portman:

Dean was walking down the hallway in school talking to Fulton and you walked up to them, and stopped in front of Dean as he walked towards you he stopped a few feet in front of you, you walked up to him and wrapped your arms around him digging your neck into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you and dug his head into you neck.

Dwayne Robertson:

You had a long day and when you got back to the dorms you started to walk down the hallway you saw Dwayne talking with Kenny and walked up to them you walked past Kenny not saying a word and went straight to Dwayne wrapping your arms around him and buried your head into him chest, He wrapped his arms around you. "What's wrong?" he whispered in a sweet, calming voice.

Fulton Reed:

You saw him and immediately ran into him arms digging your head into his chest, tears streaming down your face. He stood there stuck for a second before tightly wrapping his arms around you, "What's wrong?" he whispered into your ear.

Guy Germaine:

You saw him and ran into his arms, you started crying as your head dug into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, tightly grasped onto you as you cried. After you stopped crying you both stood there for a few minutes before you both let go and pretended that nothing happened.

Lester Averman:

You ran up to him wrapping your arms around him and digging your head into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, he whispered a joke in your ear to cheer you up and when you did you went and got ice cream.

Luis Mendoza:

Its dinner at Eden Hall Dwayne is walking down the hall on his way to get food you were walking from the counter with your food towards your table you saw him walk in and you placed your food down at your spot and walked towards him and wrapped your arms around him and buried your head into his chest and he wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head.

Russ Tyler:

You walked up to him and leaned your head into his chest, you wrapped rim arms around you pulling you closer to him. He slowly rubbed up and down you back to try to comfort you knowing you had a bad day just from your body language. 

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