Where he likes to cuddle

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Adam Banks:

Bed, he likes how flat it is. 

Charlie Conway:

Couch, he likes having the tv in front of him. 

Connie Moreau:

Bed, she likes the privacy. 

Dean Portman:

Couch, he likes the shape and thinks it's more comfortable. 

Dwayne Robertson:

Outside on the grass, he thinks it's more comfortable to be able to look at the stars or the clouds. 

Fulton Reed:

Bed, he likes the privacy. 

Guy Germaine:

Bed, he likes being able to lay down flat. 

Lester Averman:

Couch, he likes watching tv when cuddling. 

Luis Mendoza:

The couch, he likes having the kitchen near by so he can grab snacks.  

Russ Tyler:

Bed, he thinks its the most comfortable place with all the blankets and pillows. 

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