Random they do to make you laugh

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These are all things that they do that I would find funny. 

Adam Banks:

When you catch him playing hockey by himself and he talks to himself. 

Charlie Conway:

When he gets angry you are just sitting there trying not to burst out laughing. 

Connie Moreau:

When she makes fun of the boys. 

Dean Portman:

When you find him dancing in his room to his music. 

Dwayne Robertson:

When he says things you cant understand with his accent. 

Fulton Reed:

When he just doesn't care that he is hitting cars with pucks from the ally. 

Guy Germaine:

Him and Averman and their banter. 

Lester Averman:

He tells jokes. 

Luis Mendoza:

When rams into things on the ice. 

Russ Tyler:

Teases people. (When its in a joking way)

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