reaction to you being drunk

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Adam Banks:

Would end up taking you to his house so your parents wouldn't get mad. 

Charlie Conway:

Trick you into leaving the party and put you to bed. 

Connie Moreau:

She would be even drunker than you. 

Dean Portman:

He will take your drink from you.

Dwayne Robertson:

He would try to give you water to sober up, then take you home.

Fulton Reed:

He would try to sober you up and end up telling you he would get you fast food if you left the party. 

Guy Germaine:

He would be drunker than you. 

Lester Averman:

He would take you home. 

Luis Mendoza:

He would be drunk with you and you both would end up doing some stupid stuff. 

Russ Tyler:

He would pick you up, throw you over his shoulder and carry you out. 

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