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(I rewrote a lot of the PREVIOUS chapter so pls reread or skim through if you haven't)

🎶 "𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐡? 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐡? 𝐎𝐡 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐡?" 🎶

"He definitely had a boner."


I raise my eyebrow and take another bite of the delicous turkey sub Taehyung had bought for me to bring to lunch. It was Friday and I was finally feeling my best and now back in school with Aera.

"He was turned on," She nods and takes a sip of her drink, "I don't know why he never says anything though."

I swallow the food before clearing my throat, "Maybe he doesn't feel comfortable enough to tell me."

Aera laughs loudly, "If that was the case he wouldn't be fingering you everywhere."

Blood rushes to my face in embarrassment and I cover her mouth with my hand, "Hey!"

"No ones around us." She mumbles into my hand and I retract my hand with a huff. I take one more big bite of the sub before putting the rest away.

"Soovin—" She tries to keep her smile hidden, "maybe he's worried you'd be startled. I would be nervous to try anything with you too!"

"I'm his girlfriend, not a little kid he has hide things from," I grumble, "What should I do Aera?"

Her eyes light up, "I have an idea. How about the next time it happens you take care of it."

I stare at her, my expression curious, "Well okay—but what should I do?"

She shakes her head and pats my shoulder, "You seriously need to get some experience. Okay listen closely, basically you..." Aera explained in detail how to give 'head' and my jaw dropped the entire time.

If I compare what I know now to a few months ago, I can say that I used to be completely clueless. My parents really went through a lot trying to keep me from being exposed to things.

Sorry mom, your hard works gone to waste.

"Well—Hopefully this works out. Thank you." I smile awkwardly and scratch the back of my head as we pack up. She pats my shoulder again and we start to head inside.

"Anytime sunshine." She nods and I wrap my arms around one of hers as usual. Sadly, we had to separate since I was still apart of the internship that began this week. Hana and I met up at the front like we did the previously days and a driver brought us to Hybe. She was completely silent the entire ride while looking at her phone.

"Where the hell did you go?" Hana suddenly questions out to me as we arrive, "You totally disappeared."

"I ended up getting sick so I couldn't come, but I'm fine now." I hum in response, shutting the car door after we step out.

"You should have just came anyways, I had to do so much work while you were gone." She huffs and crosses her arms as we enter the building side by side.

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