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{warning: sexual content}

🎶 "𝐍𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡" 🎶

"Tannie!" My arms welcome the adorable little puppy running towards me. It's been about a week since I brought Yeontan home, and he has grown to be lots more playful and open. Once I called him 'tannie' randomly, and the nickname has since stuck.

I just got back from school and I felt happy that I didn't have to stay out late. The internship ended a few days ago, therefor I was back to my usual classes and homework.

"Your daddy's still at work, sorry cutie." I snuggle into his small body, walking us upstairs to my room. All there was to be heard were the quiet slaps of my house slippers against the floor.

As soon as I closed my door behind me, I set Yeontan in his miniature bed that was beside the bay window seat. He had his own bed in my room and Taehyung's room, along with separate water bowls and toys. We never knew where he would choose to sleep, so we gave him options. There are even a few random beds around the house in case he gets tired elsewhere. His food bowl was in the kitchen, along with any special dog treats.

I went to my desk and pulled my homework out right away. It'll be easier to finish early as possible and relax later, that's what I always tell myself.

After around two hours of hard work I finally finish, instantly putting my textbooks back inside of my backpack. I stand up and stretch my arms, deciding to take a shower and change.

"So cute." I giggle softly at Yeontan's still form. He was fast asleep in his comfy bed, sprawled out lazily. After grabbing my shower necessities quietly, I went inside my restroom.

The warm water and soap felt so nice after a long day, I didn't want to get out. I stayed in the shower much longer than intended, the hot water and finishing up other things kept me a while.

By the time I let out and wrapped a towel around me, I heard Yeontan's muffled barking. I quickly exited the bathroom and laughed at him roughing around with his toys. At least he's active, I'll take him outside for some fresh air later.

I thoroughly moisturize my body before throwing on a lavender colored pajama set. After pulling my hair into a high ponytail, I slide my house slippers on and head downstairs.

buzz, I hear the intercom and look around to see that Edmund was no where to be seen. It kept repeatedly buzzing and I rush to it out of concern. Jeez.

"Who is it?" I question politely through the intercom.

"Soovin," I hear my mother sob and I feel my heart drop to the floor, "Soovin we need to talk dear!"

How did she find his house? How is she here right now? Is father there too?

I had so many questions running through my head, yet all I could was stand still from shock.

"I know it's you! I just heard your voice!" She cries out, and my heart aches from the desperation in her voice.

"Did he brainwash you to the point where you don't even care about your own mother anymore?" I snap out of it as I hear her scream into the intercom. She never yelled at me in this way, so I didn't know how to react or feel.

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